07/12/2009 - Hiking la ^-^

Ah, the fresh air, the views, the self satisfaction of exercising the limbs, the peace and quiet and tranquility of getting out of the concrete jungle city.
You agree to go with 60 of your Chinese colleagues.

It was actually a very pleasant day, (despite the giant bustling crowd of slow walkers, stopping to take pictures every 10 seconds lol). Yes that is in fact me in the company baseball cap..

I have to confess, that I did in fact sneak off early and made a dash for Stanley, where I indulged in a glass of deserved lovely cold white wine.

Highlights in a bloggage nutshell:

The View & Glorious weather.

The GINORMOUS freaky large goldfish in the reservoir.

The hilarity of everyone clamoring around the bbq chef to get their food (hungry impatient hikers).



Bunny said...

So healthy!!! Plans for New Year's? xox

Tanya HK Diaries said...

To not be so healthy and punch out 2009 in the style of which I have embodied the entire year... partytime ^-^