19/07/2010 - Cats busy schedule
9-10am Sleep
10- 10.15am Small wander to check out an intriguing dusty corner
10.15- 12midday Nap
12 - 12.15 Snack on cat biscuits and water
12.15 - 12.30 Lunchtime wander through the terrace plants
12.30 - 3 Deep Slumber
3- 4 Stare wistfully into space
4 - 4.30 Power nap
4.30 - 5.15 Rolling around in warm sun spot on floor
5.15 - 6 Wash rub down
6 - 6.15 Afternoon nap
6.15 - 7 Chase unobtainable birds (with the power of only the mind)
7- 7.30 Pre grown ups returning beauty nap
7.30 - 8 Greet grown ups with vocal and foot rub welcome dance
8 - 11 Lap love / Belly stroke / chin rub intermittent with naps
11 Bed time. Exhausted. Busy Day
Bonus - the dignified cat scarf shot:
- 26/04/2011 - Groovy
- 26/04/2011 - Nut.case
- 26/04/2011 - Lanvin for Lane Crawford
- 04/04/2011 - Best Chinglish menu EVER
- 24/03/2011 - Rwaaarrrr
- 24/03/2011 - Clean Air Auction @ IFC
- 16/03/2011 - Lane Crawford
- 健康空氣拍賣會 | Clean Air Auction
- 06/03/2011 - WTF?!
- 06/03/2010 - Canned wonder
- 06/03/2011 - Boil Massage
- 25/02/2011 - I'll have one of those, and side of those
- 25/02/2011 - Sparkly funtimes
- 25/02/2011 - You decide

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